Clarke's in prison. Or maybe home detention. Or did he use diplomatic immunity to get out of trouble? The details aren’t important to the thousands who are convinced the First Man is a criminal.
Another rumour that won't seem to go away is that Clarke fathered a baby with Neve's nanny. It started off with a rumour of pregnancy. I used to laugh at it and point out that if there even a skerrick of truth to it, Mike Hoskins would've been all over it like a rash. The rumour has now morphed into the baby's been born and Clarke's either paid out a substantial sum of hush money or is paying child support on the sly. Depends on the person telling the story. A fun aspect I like to introduce when people tell me their variation of this is to say "Uh, but the nanny's a man isn't he?"
Yeah that one comes up a bit, or even that he just cheated with the nanny and Jacinda kicked him out. But it's far less popular than the various criminal claims.
Another rumour that won't seem to go away is that Clarke fathered a baby with Neve's nanny. It started off with a rumour of pregnancy. I used to laugh at it and point out that if there even a skerrick of truth to it, Mike Hoskins would've been all over it like a rash. The rumour has now morphed into the baby's been born and Clarke's either paid out a substantial sum of hush money or is paying child support on the sly. Depends on the person telling the story. A fun aspect I like to introduce when people tell me their variation of this is to say "Uh, but the nanny's a man isn't he?"
Yeah that one comes up a bit, or even that he just cheated with the nanny and Jacinda kicked him out. But it's far less popular than the various criminal claims.